奶機妹 2010 機車展 阿桑 桂綸鎂 上海 

這幾天 整理好照片,再和大家分享
很珍惜現在的環境 很努力讓自己更好
感情 不知道ㄟ..................天呀!!
何時Candy 如此理性勒!!!! 好像全世界的人都關心
今年達到很多目標 也玩的很開心
台灣現在的環境  讓我對目前的生活 相當感恩
看到身旁的朋友  結婚 生cute baby 都覺得該踏入另一個里程碑
吼~~有點恐怖  又替朋友超高興 
這種心情 很矛盾
年紀不同 現在的想法  也差很多
wish my friend happy to have another life step
and I can understand my answer in my mind
to Kevin: I am so well now....thank you without saying goodbye
to Juchung: you may more understand how to love one person now.
you are my good friend now
to Donham: you may so happy to own the lover now. wish you marry this year
to Hong: I still don't know what you think about me now. but keep in touch
they may watch my blog. and I think I have long long love history but not now....
thanks for the single life now.



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